Sisterlocks (TM) are small locks that are as a result of precision sectioning combined with the use a specialised locking tool. Please for more information visit the official Sisterlocks website. Microlocks are similar way but more tinier.  At Unique beauty, we offer Micro-Sisterlocks as a package of three appointments. Initially, booking and coming for consultation during which we verify your hair type, discuss locking patterns based on your hair type and install sample locks. The second appointment is the installation. After the installation, we book a follow-up re-tightening session usually after 4 weeks. After that, you get into a regular 4-6 weeks re-tightening schedule. If you require further information on pricing or for booking please give us a call, sms or email with details at the bottom of page. 




Traditional locks are possibly the most known of the natural hair styles and possibly the most misunderstood. They are often described by all sorts of names e.g. dreadlocks, locks or just dreads. We would rather call them traditional locks as there is nothing dreadful about them. We use well documented sectioning together with a specialised tool. We offer an initial consultation during when we determine your hair type, the locking date and the re-tightening timetable that fits your schedule. If you require any further information, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page and we will be glad to have you with us.








Sisterlocks (TM) are small locks that are as a result of precision sectioning combined with the use a specialised locking tool. Please for more information visit the official Sisterlocks website. Microlocks are similar way but more tinier.  At Unique beauty, we offer Micro-Sisterlocks as a package of three appointments. Initially, booking and coming for consultation during which we verify your hair type, discuss locking patterns based on your hair type and install sample locks. The second appointment is the installation. After the installation, we book a follow-up re-tightening session usually after 4 weeks. After that, you get into a regular 4-6 weeks re-tightening schedule. If you require further information on pricing or for booking please give us a call, sms or email with details at the bottom of page. 





Traditional locks are possibly the most known of the natural hair styles and possibly the most misunderstood. They are often described by all sorts of names e.g. dreadlocks, locks or just dreads. We would rather call them traditional locks as there is nothing dreadful about them. We use well documented sectioning together with a specialised tool. We offer an initial consultation during when we determine your hair type, the locking date and the re-tightening timetable that fits your schedule. If you require any further information, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page and we will be glad to have you with us.